
Sidelobe control of a time-modulated reflector-array Sidelobe control of a time-modulated reflector-array Sidelobe control of time modulated reflector array

The concept of a time-modulated reflector array (TMRA) is introduced and investigated. A TMRA is proposed as a variant of a conventional time-modulated array. TMRAs are potentially simpler to implement in hardware as it does not require a complex feed structure. A simple 8-element TMRA is analysed using both array-factor theory and full-wave electromagnetic simulation software. The switching sequence applied to the TMRA is configured to produce radiation patterns with low sidelobe levels. The performance of the TMRA consisting of ideal, isotropic elements is compared to that of  the TMRA consisting of diode controlled dipole elements.

The TMRA concept and description

TMRA consists of a grid of scattering elements which are illuminated by a feed. In TMRA pattern control is achieved by controlling the active scattering (or reflecting) time of the elements. The elements are assumed be switchable between highly reflecting (ON) and non-reflecting (OFF) states.
 Fig. 1 TMRA consisting of pin diode loaded dipole elements

Let the i-th element (i=1,N) be periodically switched on and off at times defined by  tion  and tioff    . Under these conditions, the TMRA will generate far-field scattering pattern at the fundamental frequency given by
Hence, we can directly apply an amplitude weighting function to the element energisation times

Fig. 2 The TMRA element switching sequence: 8 elements are energised with time periods which correspond to a  -30 dB Chebyshev weighting


Fig. 3 Scattering patterns for the time-modulated reflector array at the fundamental frequency (non-suppressed and suppressed by -30dB Chebyshev weighting), calculated using isotropic element patterns and without mutual coupling

Fig. 4 Scattering patterns for the time-modulated dipole reflector array at the fundamental frequency (non-suppressed and suppressed with -30 dB Chebyshev weighting), calculated using the embedded element pattern


Is Time-Modulated Reflector Array with feed a challenge?

First of All, TMRA WITH FEED is really challenge. 

1. Which feed should be use?

  In the conventional TMRA with plane wave. The source is a plane wave which is considered as radiation from infinite far-field. The electromagnetic waves arrive at the elements at the same time. Hence, a exact identical theory from Time Modulated Array can be applied to TMRA. Hence, to make things easier, it is best to use a feeding source similar to plane wave. 

Furthermore, the back radiation of the source should be very small.

  1) dipole
        dipole is easy to make and simulate. The numerical theory is considerably easy. However, the radiation pattern is omni-directional at the H-plane (normally horizontal cut). That means the back radiation or the radiation towards the bore-sight is high (we expect only scattering from TMRA elements at bore sight). NOT GOOD CHOICE

  2) Patch antenna
       Patch antenna is seldom known in the use of reflector antenna. Performance is not tested. However, according to my experience of patch antenna. The antenna gain is small. The profile of the antenna is big. Back radiation is small. 

  3) Horn antenna
       Horn antenna is widely used to feed reflector arrays. The beam-width is fixable. The gain is flexible. Gain can be up to 20 dB. Low back radiation, 

2. How many elements should use?
  The number of elements is one of the parameter could be used in time-modulation theory. I would say the number of elements has the same functionality in conventional phased array. 
FOR a linear array, I would think one row of element is not enough. The scattering energy is comparably small thus the power from the feeding source domains. Hence, it is good to increasing the rows of element. 
A 2D array is good, elements are serial connected in column.   

3. How to deal with coupling?
Theoretical analysis do not consider coupling at all. Simulation in CST do. Couplings can be divided into
1) between ON element and OFF element
2) between ON element and ON element
3) between elements and feeding antenna 

4. Which is the best way to estimate the phase shifts of signals arrive at the elements?
original phase start at the antenna+phase shifts due to propagation.
Fig. 1 Illustration of a TMRA with feed: feed is placed at distance of d at the bore-sight of  TMRA; Ri is a relative path between the feed to the i-th element.

Fig 2. CST model of the feed (blue box: constructed in another file and imported as a field source) and the linear TMRA (8 element dipoles tested in previous research

Fig. 3 The feed: a X-band Horn designed use Antenna Magus (high gain and wide beam-width)

Solo walk at Derwent dams Peak District

On a nice sunny Sunday, I went to Derwent dams for a 3 hours walk. The view is picturistic. Woods, water, breeze, sunshine and lovely people make the Sunday the day. 

a view of Howden Dam (Upper Derwent) 

 The leaves are going red soon

 Light and shadow (a drive way in the woods)

It says 'take time to look, to sit, to stare, allow these hills to ease your cares' on a bench. 

Lockerbrook is a field of woods with amazing view of whole reservoir



CST official tutorial for beginner: a patch antenna

This tutorial introduce a comprehensive procedure for a beginner to design, study, simulate and post-simulation analyse a patch antenna working at a frequency range of 3-8 GHz.

Note: I share the file ONLY for educational use and preview; I do not have the copyright of the tutorial, please contact the author for further information.

click this for DROPBOX link

if you can not see the link, you may enter: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30481878/cst-patch_antenna-example.pdf

click this for DBank (Huawei cloud storage) link

file preview image


A time-switched reflector array

The ideal of time switched/modulated array has been introduction to add a new parameter to antenna array factor equations. As known to all, using periodical switching or modulating signal can generate harmonics onto fundamental carrier. A mathematical approach to explain it is Fourier series. In old time, harmonics are bad. Scientist nowadays try to persuade these bad boys to do good things. Using different switching sequences, a time switched array can mimic the beam scanning function of phased array or generate low sidelobe power pattern.

 A time-switched reflector array is a reconfigurable reflector array which using periodical switching sequence to control elements.

You can find the full paper on:

Yang Wang; Tennant, A.; , "Time-modulated reflector array," Electronics Letters , vol.48, no.16, pp.972-974, August 2 2012


For further analysis, please be free to contact me: yang.wang@sheffield.ac.uk
Fig. 1 Front view of time modulated reflector array: 8 pin-diode loaded dipole reflector array.

Fig. 2 Time switching sequence: elements are energised sequentially and progressively with 1/8 of cycle

Fig. 3 An ideal scattering pattern of time modulated reflector array from isotropic element: fundamental and first positive and negative harmonics
Fig. 4 A scattering pattern of time modulated reflector array predicted from dipole array:fundamental and first positive and negative harmonics


13-03-12 Measurement of reflector Beam steering using time switched sequency
